Helsinki, Finland

Category: prediction model

Customer Analytics basics to win your customers!

I was spending a whole week to complete the Customer Analytics course. It is a part of the Marketing Analytics online serial courses at the Wharton University of Pennsylvania on Coursera. This course helps me not just review the knowledge of business analytics, specifically descriptive model, predictive model (regression model and probability model), and prescriptive…
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Game Analytics – Prediction models (P.2)

Gamer’s playing hours From game operator’s perspective, they want to know: How many players will join the game? How long will they stay in the game? (The length of time since player first joined the game to the time of his/her last login.) Gameplay hours & patterns are embedded in their game hours. Will the…
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Descriptive statistics using R

This project was done with a dataset of players of Sngame Company. The project aimed to predict the time spending game and the game purchase made by these players. I used the regression model, precisely with 2 linear models

Prediction Models for Mobile Games (P.1)

This is the excerpt for your very first post.